The 3sum

The 3sum

Not currently airing

What happens when you put three struggling Nerdcore Hip-Hop artists (two male, one female) in a room together? You get a raunchy, informative, high-calorie, nerdy, and all together senseless plummet into the depths of the human mind and nerdcore subculture. Welcome to The 3sum.

Host bios

Billy The Fridge - Co-Creator / Host
Billy the Fridge is Seattle's dirty little secret. A native to the Northwest, he is known for rap, comedy, competitive eating, and even a stint in pro-wrestling. Having played Magic the Gathering more than half of his life and geeking out in other venues, he's developed an affinity for the Nerdcore lifestyle. He plays host along with Epic-1 and Lo Tech for Arecibo's Nerdcore Talk Show, The 3Sum - a program that often delivers laughs, as well as sexually charged quips between the co-hosts.
Epic1 - Co-Creator / Co-Host
Lo Tech - Co-Host / Lone Female
Lo Tech has just recently jumped into the nerd rap scene. Her geeky traits include Dungeons and Dragons, science, nerd fetish, love for the computer, Neopets, Pokemon Master status, Super Nintendo gamin' and plenty more. On The 3sum, her presence is merely for sexist amusment, but she mostly handles it with ease. Her resilience continues to impress.